How to write the perfect blurb/description on Amazon and increase your sales

Book blurbs

Very often, one of the biggest issues I find when an author reaches us out is that the blurb or synopsis on Amazon is terrible. Just a couple of lines, saying nothing interesting about the book. No one is going to buy something they don’t know what it is, considering they even make it there in the first place.

Your blurb is the gate to your sale, why not taking a bit of time and effort and writing a pro one?

Writing a great book blurb for Amazon involves capturing the essence of your book in a concise, engaging, and persuasive manner. Start with a hook to grab attention. For example, you might begin with a compelling sentence or question that piques the reader’s interest, such as “What if the key to your future lay hidden in the past?”

Next, introduce the main characters and setting. Provide a brief introduction to the protagonist(s) and give a sense of their situation or personality. For instance, “Emma, a young archaeologist with a troubled past, stumbles upon an ancient secret.” Additionally, set the scene by describing the time, place, or world in which the story unfolds. An example could be, “Set in the mystical highlands of Scotland, where every stone whispers a legend.”

Highlight the conflict or stakes to draw readers in further. Clearly outline the primary conflict or problem the characters face, such as “As Emma delves deeper, she must confront a powerful enemy who will stop at nothing to keep the secret buried.” Explain what’s at risk if the protagonist fails, like “If she fails, a dark force could be unleashed upon the world.”

Make sure to include genre-specific elements to attract the right audience. If your book is a thriller, emphasize tension, suspense, and action. For a romance, highlight emotional stakes, relationships, and chemistry. For a fantasy, focus on world-building, magic, and epic quests.

Keep your blurb concise, aiming for about 150-200 words. Be brief but impactful, focusing on essential information that will intrigue potential readers. Use compelling language, with strong verbs and adjectives to create an emotional response. For example, “Racing against time, Emma must navigate treacherous landscapes and decipher ancient codes.” Avoid clichés and strive for originality in your descriptions.

End your blurb with a cliffhanger or question to leave the reader wanting to know more. A good example is, “Will Emma uncover the truth before it’s too late, or will the secret consume her?” Including a call to action can also encourage purchase, such as “Dive into this thrilling adventure today and discover the legend that changes everything.”

Finally, check for errors to ensure there are no typos or grammatical mistakes. A polished blurb reflects a polished book. Seek feedback from friends, beta readers, or writing groups to ensure your blurb is compelling.

Here’s an example blurb:

What if the key to your future lay hidden in the past?

Emma Sinclair is a determined young archaeologist with a penchant for uncovering secrets. But when she discovers an ancient artifact in the heart of the Scottish Highlands, she unwittingly awakens a dark force that has been lying in wait for centuries.

With every step she takes, Emma is drawn deeper into a web of mystery and danger. She must race against time to decipher the cryptic messages of the past, all while evading a relentless enemy who will stop at nothing to keep the truth buried. The stakes couldn’t be higher—failure could unleash an evil that will consume the world.

Will Emma unlock the secrets in time, or will the ancient curse claim her as its next victim?

Dive into this gripping archaeological thriller today and uncover the legend that changes everything.

By following these guidelines, you can create a blurb that hooks readers and compels them to purchase your book.

Product description

With products, the game is a bit different

1. Know Your Audience

Understand who you’re writing for by identifying the needs, preferences, and pain points of your target audience. Tailor your language to use a tone and vocabulary that resonate with them.

2. Start with a Strong Headline

Begin with a headline that grabs attention and conveys the main benefit or unique feature of the product. For example, “Revolutionize Your Home Office with Our Ergonomic Desk Chair.”

3. Highlight Key Features and Benefits

List the main features of the product, focusing on what makes it unique or superior. For instance, you might highlight that it has adjustable height, lumbar support, and a breathable mesh back. Explain how these features translate into benefits for the customer, such as providing all-day comfort and reducing back pain thanks to the adjustable ergonomic design.

4. Tell a Story

Create a narrative around the product that helps the customer envision using it. Engage them emotionally by saying something like, “Imagine sitting in total comfort, free from the distractions of back pain, as you tackle your most important tasks.”

5. Use Sensory Words and Descriptive Language

Use sensory details to help customers visualize and feel the product. Describe how they can “sink into the plush, cushioned seat that cradles your body with perfect support.”

6. Incorporate Social Proof and Testimonials

Build trust by including quotes from satisfied customers or showcasing ratings and reviews. For example, “Over 1,000 happy customers have rated our desk chair 5 stars!”

7. Include Technical Specifications

Provide precise specifications for customers who want more detailed information. For instance, you could note that the dimensions are 24” x 24” x 45” and that the weight capacity is 250 lbs.

8. Use Bullet Points for Clarity

While it’s important to improve readability by breaking down features and benefits, you can also present them in a narrative form. For example, explain that the chair has an adjustable height to customize to your perfect height, a breathable mesh back to keep you cool and comfortable, and a 360-degree swivel for free and easy movement in any direction.

9. Optimize for SEO

Incorporate relevant keywords that potential customers might use to search for the product. For example, you could include phrases like “ergonomic desk chair” and “office chair with lumbar support.”

10. Create a Clear Call to Action

Include a prompt to guide the customer toward buying the product. Encourage them with a statement like, “Order now and transform your workspace into a haven of productivity and comfort!”

11. Check for Errors

Finally, ensure there are no typos or grammatical mistakes to maintain professionalism. Proofread your description carefully.

Example Product Description

Revolutionize Your Home Office with Our Ergonomic Desk Chair

Transform your workspace with the ultimate in comfort and support. Our ergonomic desk chair features adjustable height, lumbar support, and a breathable mesh back, designed to keep you comfortable and focused all day long.

Imagine sitting in total comfort, free from the distractions of back pain, as you tackle your most important tasks. Sink into the plush, cushioned seat that cradles your body with perfect support, while the breathable mesh back keeps you cool and comfortable.

Join over 1,000 happy customers who have rated our desk chair 5 stars!


This chair has an adjustable height, allowing you to customize it to your perfect height. The lumbar support helps to reduce back pain with targeted support, and the breathable mesh back keeps you cool and comfortable. Additionally, the chair offers a 360-degree swivel, enabling you to move freely and easily in any direction.

Technical Specifications:

The dimensions are 24” x 24” x 45” and the weight capacity is 250 lbs.

Order now and transform your workspace into a haven of productivity and comfort!

By following these steps, you can create product descriptions that attract, engage, and convert potential customers.

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